Mapping John Glassco's Memoirs of Montparnasse

This timeline and map are populated dynamically with data from a Google Spreadsheet. Best viewed with Mozilla or Chrome.

Glassco, John Glassco, John - infatuated Glassco, John - favoured areas Glassco, John - 'out of bounds' Paris Glassco, John - homeless Glassco, John - ideal Paris Stein, Gertrude Taylor, Graeme Beach, Sylvia Barnes, Djuna Pound, Ezra Callaghan, Morley Stead, Christina Bardamu, Ferdinand Dior, Christian Gainsbourg, Serge Dali, Salvador Livesay, Dorothy Cunard, Nancy Hemingway, Ernest Joyce, James McAlmon, Robert Moore, George Rhys, Jean Baker, Josephine Dos Passos, John Barney, Natalie Breton, André Vogel, Lucien Bergson, Henri Ford, Ford Madox Fitzgerald, F. Scott Not Specified
1890s 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s Not Specified

Site by Anouk Lang, Senior Lecturer in Digital Humanities at the University of Edinburgh, UK.
Adapted from Brian Croxall’s "American Century" Geospatial Timeline and a project by Jason Jones, Associate Professor of English at Central Connecticut State University. Thanks also to ProfHacker.

Powered by the SIMILE project's Exhibit and Timeline scripts.
I am grateful to the Foundation for Canadian Studies in the United Kingdom for its support for this project.